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The Most Important Things About Nursing

Made for a Doctor, but Strong Enough for a Nurse



The Most Important Things About Nursing (all blatantly stolen from someone else's web site)

June 7, 2010

My personal favorites are: You might be a nurse if... "You believe all bleeding stops...eventually,"   and, "You believe everybody has to die sometime."

20 Things I learned from Nursing

1. When you’re 92, you shouldn’t have to beg for the salt shaker, even if you do have congestive heart failure.
2. Our profession has no room for bullies or whiners.
3. Every day I’ve held a hand but forgotten to chart vitals, I still may have come out ahead.
4. A good doctor is one who’ll say, ” I have no idea what’s going on with this patient. Come help me figure it out.”
5. Nursing in the hardest and easiest thing I’ve ever done.
6. Whatever I need in a hurry will be in someone else’s room.
7. Healing the spirit is as important as healing the mind.
8. If I don’t take care of myself, I can’t take care of anyone else.
9. A body believes every word you tell it.
10. Time flies whether or not I’m having fun.
11. A lot of patients get well in spite of us, but even more get well because of us.
12. If I don’t get emotionally involved with my...

Posted at: 07:34 PM | Permalink

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